Python RSI

A community made Python API for interactive with the Roberts Space Industries site for Star Citizen.


This API is in it’s very early stages and will change often.


  • TODO


Getting system status:

from rsi.status import Status
s = Status()
current_status = s.system()
recent_incidents = s.timeline()
specific_incident = s.incident('28f92e5a')

Getting Roadmap information:

from datetime import datetime
from rsi.roadmap import Roadmap
r = Roadmap()
cur_roadmap = r.fetch_roadmap(start_date=datetime(year=2021, month=1, day=1),
                              end_date=datetime(year=2021, month=12, day=31))

Accessing ship information:

from rsi.shipmatrix import ShipMatrixAPI
ship_matrix = ShipMatrixAPI()
ship = ship_matrix.ships[170]      # ships is a dictionary, keys are ship IDs
ship = ship_matrix.search_by_name('kraken')

Accessing citizen information:

from rsi.citizen import fetch_citizen

Accessing org information:

from import OrgAPI
org = OrgAPI('EXTERRA')
member = org.members[0]

Accessing admin org information for an organization that you have the Officer or Founder role for. This let’s you see the member information for hidden members.

from import OrgAPI
org = OrgAPI('EXTERRA', admin_mode=True, username=username, password=password)
member = org.members[0]
members ='fuzzy_handle_matching')     # list of members using fuzzy matching
member = org.search_one('fuzzy_handle_matching')  # returns only the top match

Accessing your hangar:

Hangar access is only for the currently authenticated account.

import rsi
session = rsi.session.RSISession()
session.authenticate('username', 'password')
hangar = rsi.hangar.Hangar(session=session)
Made By the Star Citizen Community

This project is not endorsed by or affiliated with the Cloud Imperium or Roberts Space Industries group of companies. All game content and materials are copyright Cloud Imperium Rights LLC and Cloud Imperium Rights Ltd.. Star Citizen®, Squadron 42®, Roberts Space Industries®, and Cloud Imperium® are registered trademarks of Cloud Imperium Rights LLC. All rights reserved.